The Museum
The aviation museum of Rimini becomes “NO PROFIT”
The Museum
The aviation museum of Rimini becomes “NO PROFIT”

With great satisfaction we announce that the Museum Management has decided to change some articles of its Statute. Leaving aside the changes concerning the internal functions and some other operational improvements, we report in full the article 8.2 dedicated more specifically to the conversion:
The “Museum of Aviation – Srl” of Rimini, already recognized by the Province of Rimini, is registered with the Rimini Chamber of Commerce, is not for profit and all profits will be exclusively reused in the social activity as well as requested by the Regional Law Emilia Romagna n ° 18 of 24 March 2000.
This variation of the Statute proves that everything that has been done as what will be done in the future (we are talking about the maintenance of aircraft or other vehicles, improvements to the Park’s receptivity) has never been done for an economic profit.
We would like to underline that, having never had any help from the Institutions, the Museum will have to continue to finance its activity with the modest price of the admission ticket and as always, with the help both in material donations and with cash contributions.
We take this opportunity to thank sincerely those who have already done it and those who will do it later, if anything, even more sure that their contribution will always be well used in this great work.
Recall that thanks to the contribution of so many fans the Museum of Aviation in Rimini has become one of the largest private museums in the world: with an extension of over 80,000 square meters and an exhibition of over 40 aircraft, as well as countless other means and a collection of Italian uniforms and uniforms among the richest today existing, without neglecting the countless medals, honors and aeronautical decorations; the latter are exposed in the basement with the adjacent Hall of the Popes (both rooms are now being renovated), which tells a part of the history of the Church in the last century.

With great satisfaction we announce that the Museum Management has decided to change some articles of its Statute. Leaving aside the changes concerning the internal functions and some other operational improvements, we report in full the article 8.2 dedicated more specifically to the conversion:
The “Museum of Aviation – Srl” of Rimini, already recognized by the Province of Rimini, is registered with the Rimini Chamber of Commerce, is not for profit and all profits will be exclusively reused in the social activity as well as requested by the Regional Law Emilia Romagna n ° 18 of 24 March 2000.
This variation of the Statute proves that everything that has been done as what will be done in the future (we are talking about the maintenance of aircraft or other vehicles, improvements to the Park’s receptivity) has never been done for an economic profit.
We would like to underline that, having never had any help from the Institutions, the Museum will have to continue to finance its activity with the modest admission price and, as always, with the help both in material donations and with cash contributions.
We take this opportunity to thank sincerely those who have already done it and those who will do it later, if anything, even more sure that their contribution will always be well used in this great work. </ P>
Recall that thanks to the contribution of so many fans the Museum of Aviation in Rimini has become one of the largest private museums in the world: with an extension of over 80,000 square meters and an exhibition of over 50 aircraft, over countless other vehicles and a collection of uniforms and uniforms among the richest Italian today, without neglecting the countless medals, honors and aeronautical decorations; the latter are exposed in the basement with the adjacent Hall of the Popes (both rooms are now being renovated), which tells a part of the history of the Church in the last century.